DropDeadPrincess (:


Simply call me Sing Pei.
14 years of age. Happily born the 9th day of July.
Loves Korean guy named Ji-Ho. and color
Addicted to C-Pop & K-Pop. Craves for
sushi!! and ice cream.
Hates color red and Muffins, really ;).
But loves cupcakes :D
Can speak
5 languages. Lazy to mention them all.
Please do not judge me,
Because you are always prettier/hotter (:
I serve


What a girl wants & what a girl needs!!...

A trip to Korea

Get flashy dolly eye lashes and dolly eye lens!

New school accecories laptop

A makeover

A long vacation in Japan (:

Trip to HK Disneyland & Ocean Park

A new wifi modem

New PINK Phone

A VIP stay at a 5 star hotel

To see SHE in person

My own ice cream parlor & sushi bar

become rich!!!!!!!! $$$$$$$$$

life happily ever after!!! LOL

the melody
The Past

Recent Posts
August 2009
September 2009
January 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
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September 2010
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February 2011
March 2011
June 2011
November 2011
copyrighted by SingPei... welcome to my personal kawaii blog

♥ Tuesday, March 15, 2011 @ 8:46 PM
0 Gave Some Love
Dear boys, girls are like math questions. Why? Some of us are simple just like 1+1=2 :) others need time to figure out, a few needs method or you'll never get the answer, most of us are confusing and some of us don't even have an answer :)
Do you guys agree? :D
Literally GUYS, I mean like. Girls are confusing!! I understand how they feel
Aren't I awesome? :P
This is gonna be a short post. :) I've been busy these days. Finishing up my holiday homeworks and modules! What crap my teacher gives -.-
andandand! I don't even know the meaning of holiday anymore. Is the holiday for teachers or students huh?! It's just to tiring for US students to call it a holiday! gosh, I wonder which bitch called the school and told the headmistress to give us more work. If I find out who it is, I'm gonna wedgie that fella/bitch or whatever thing IT is!!
Anyways, my ranking in class is quite low this time.
It's 13 :( How bad is that? *sigh* and it's an unlucky number :(
GOSH! and I thought this year would be fine -.-
Well got to go now dearies <3
Keep tuning in! CIAO~~

Beauty Within (:
Simply call me Sing Pei.
13 years of age. Happily born the 9th day of July.
Loves Korean guy named Ji-Ho. and color
Addicted to C-Pop & K-Pop. Craves for
sushi!! and ice cream.
Hates color red and Muffins, really ;).
But loves cupcakes :D
Can speak
5 languages. Lazy to mention them all.
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♥ Tuesday, March 15, 2011 @ 8:46 PM
0 Gave Some Love
Dear boys, girls are like math questions. Why? Some of us are simple just like 1+1=2 :) others need time to figure out, a few needs method or you'll never get the answer, most of us are confusing and some of us don't even have an answer :)
Do you guys agree? :D
Literally GUYS, I mean like. Girls are confusing!! I understand how they feel
Aren't I awesome? :P
This is gonna be a short post. :) I've been busy these days. Finishing up my holiday homeworks and modules! What crap my teacher gives -.-
andandand! I don't even know the meaning of holiday anymore. Is the holiday for teachers or students huh?! It's just to tiring for US students to call it a holiday! gosh, I wonder which bitch called the school and told the headmistress to give us more work. If I find out who it is, I'm gonna wedgie that fella/bitch or whatever thing IT is!!
Anyways, my ranking in class is quite low this time.
It's 13 :( How bad is that? *sigh* and it's an unlucky number :(
GOSH! and I thought this year would be fine -.-
Well got to go now dearies <3
Keep tuning in! CIAO~~