DropDeadPrincess (:


Simply call me Sing Pei.
14 years of age. Happily born the 9th day of July.
Loves Korean guy named Ji-Ho. and color
Addicted to C-Pop & K-Pop. Craves for
sushi!! and ice cream.
Hates color red and Muffins, really ;).
But loves cupcakes :D
Can speak
5 languages. Lazy to mention them all.
Please do not judge me,
Because you are always prettier/hotter (:
I serve


What a girl wants & what a girl needs!!...

A trip to Korea

Get flashy dolly eye lashes and dolly eye lens!

New school accecories laptop

A makeover

A long vacation in Japan (:

Trip to HK Disneyland & Ocean Park

A new wifi modem

New PINK Phone

A VIP stay at a 5 star hotel

To see SHE in person

My own ice cream parlor & sushi bar

become rich!!!!!!!! $$$$$$$$$

life happily ever after!!! LOL

the melody
The Past

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copyrighted by SingPei... welcome to my personal kawaii blog

♥ Saturday, June 18, 2011 @ 10:48 PM
0 Gave Some Love
Don't shout in my face ♥ ♥ ♥
♥ Hey guys~! (and girls I suppose) I'm back ^^" Tadaimasu !!
It's been like a million of years since I've updated and designed a blogskin. Hehe..
I can't find anything inspiring these days. HOW HORRIBLE! Anyways. My title today 18/06/11 Sunday is NO SHOUTING. I have a very good reason to put that as title because of a story I had recently read. :) HERE IT GOES :D
A professor asked two of his students why do people shout when their angry? They answered; they shout because their emotion is disturbed by anger; The professor wasn't quite satisfied on the other answers the students gave later on. In the end none of them can answer the professor's question. So the professor explained; People shout when their angry because they feel like the other partner can't hear them; With that answer, the students got confused. The professor continued explaining; When your upset, angry or depressed at somebody, you tend to shout because you feel in your heart that they are very far away (emotion) , so they further their hearts are apart, the louder they shout;
The students began to understand a little of what the professor is implying. The professor continues; Why do you think that lovers only whisper and not scream? Because their in love and their hearts are very close. So close that there's hardly a gap. There's also another situation where when they look into each others eyes, without talking, they can communicate;
The professor's conclusion was to NEVER SHOUT. :)
Cool huh? I personally think it's A W E S O M E ;)
To think of it, this actually makes a lot of sense. I don't shout at my boyfriend if I don't feel like I'm alone. (:
OWH! I almost forgot. My midterm exam marks got me into top 10~! HOLAAAA~! OWH YEAH~!
I feel so smart ;) I've got 8A's and 5B's not bad huh? HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE
Anyways, I've recently watched Insidious. Which isn't scary at all. -.-" like seriously? I walked all the way to the nearest shopping center just to buy it because my friend RAN out of the theater when she was watching it. LOSER. *sigh
Owh well at least I watched POTC which is NICE :D 4.5 Stars rated ;) OWHOWHOWH!!!! The priest in the show is CUTE x] he's HOT infact. HEEEHEEEE :E
♥♪ By the way, I'm learning this Awesome Piano Song titled; Nocturne C# minor By Fredrick Chopin ♥♥♥
I know I know. I'm crazy. I get that alot.
Okay, since I've nothing much to say here. (because I forgot what I was supppooosssseee to type :[ )
I shall share some of my photos. CAMWHORE !!!
(just in case you guys NEVER forget my face :P )

in Sunway with a friend :D
trying out clothes
She made me try this on ;]
I like this outfit. :P (bad picture quality) DAMN THE LIGHTS!!

Beauty Within (:
Simply call me Sing Pei.
13 years of age. Happily born the 9th day of July.
Loves Korean guy named Ji-Ho. and color
Addicted to C-Pop & K-Pop. Craves for
sushi!! and ice cream.
Hates color red and Muffins, really ;).
But loves cupcakes :D
Can speak
5 languages. Lazy to mention them all.
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♥ Saturday, June 18, 2011 @ 10:48 PM
0 Gave Some Love
Don't shout in my face ♥ ♥ ♥
♥ Hey guys~! (and girls I suppose) I'm back ^^" Tadaimasu !!
It's been like a million of years since I've updated and designed a blogskin. Hehe..
I can't find anything inspiring these days. HOW HORRIBLE! Anyways. My title today 18/06/11 Sunday is NO SHOUTING. I have a very good reason to put that as title because of a story I had recently read. :) HERE IT GOES :D
A professor asked two of his students why do people shout when their angry? They answered; they shout because their emotion is disturbed by anger; The professor wasn't quite satisfied on the other answers the students gave later on. In the end none of them can answer the professor's question. So the professor explained; People shout when their angry because they feel like the other partner can't hear them; With that answer, the students got confused. The professor continued explaining; When your upset, angry or depressed at somebody, you tend to shout because you feel in your heart that they are very far away (emotion) , so they further their hearts are apart, the louder they shout;
The students began to understand a little of what the professor is implying. The professor continues; Why do you think that lovers only whisper and not scream? Because their in love and their hearts are very close. So close that there's hardly a gap. There's also another situation where when they look into each others eyes, without talking, they can communicate;
The professor's conclusion was to NEVER SHOUT. :)
Cool huh? I personally think it's A W E S O M E ;)
To think of it, this actually makes a lot of sense. I don't shout at my boyfriend if I don't feel like I'm alone. (:
OWH! I almost forgot. My midterm exam marks got me into top 10~! HOLAAAA~! OWH YEAH~!
I feel so smart ;) I've got 8A's and 5B's not bad huh? HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE
Anyways, I've recently watched Insidious. Which isn't scary at all. -.-" like seriously? I walked all the way to the nearest shopping center just to buy it because my friend RAN out of the theater when she was watching it. LOSER. *sigh
Owh well at least I watched POTC which is NICE :D 4.5 Stars rated ;) OWHOWHOWH!!!! The priest in the show is CUTE x] he's HOT infact. HEEEHEEEE :E
♥♪ By the way, I'm learning this Awesome Piano Song titled; Nocturne C# minor By Fredrick Chopin ♥♥♥
I know I know. I'm crazy. I get that alot.
Okay, since I've nothing much to say here. (because I forgot what I was supppooosssseee to type :[ )
I shall share some of my photos. CAMWHORE !!!
(just in case you guys NEVER forget my face :P )

in Sunway with a friend :D
trying out clothes
She made me try this on ;]
I like this outfit. :P (bad picture quality) DAMN THE LIGHTS!!